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We Have Removed Your Universal Analytics Widgets
We Have Removed Your Universal Analytics Widgets
Adriana Luxwolda avatar
Written by Adriana Luxwolda
Updated over a week ago

Jun 26, 2024

Untitled (800 x 600 px).png

As a follow-up to the complete phase-out of Universal Analytics on July 1st, 2024, we've removed all existing UA widgets from your reports and templates. This may have changed the layout of your reports containing any UA data, as some widgets might have shifted.

πŸ“ˆ Review and Adjust your Reports:

We highly recommend reviewing and manually adjusting any reports that included UA widgets, as the format may be affected. This also includes your scheduled reports, which will continue to be sent out according to their set schedule unless you manually deactivate them.

For more information, read our Complete Guide to Universal Analytics Removal.

πŸ’¬ If you still have any questions or need help with your reports, click the chat button to talk with a support specialist, or send us an email to and will be happy to assist you.


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