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FAQ — Billing & Data Sources
FAQ — Billing & Data Sources

Read through the most popular questions regarding billing and data sources

Updated over a week ago

What you will find in this article:

1. What is a data source in Swydo?

A data source is a data set of another data platform/integration you connect to use in your reports. One data source would be one Facebook page, one Google Analytics property, or an Instagram Business account.

2. What's the difference between a data source and an Integration?

An Integration is the actual marketing platform. For example, a Google Ads MCC account is not one data source but an integration.

3. How does Swydo calculate the data sources?

Every time you connect a data source to a client, you can use it across multiple reports unlimited times. It will be counted individually each time you add the data source to Swydo. If you connect the same data source twice or to a different client, it will be counted as a new data source, and you will be charged extra for it.

4. What's the price for a data source?

Pricing is based on the number of data sources connected to your Swydo account.
When you upgrade, you have 10 data source slots to fill in at a flat rate. However, you can keep adding more data sources; each new source has a fixed rate, but it will vary depending on the volume. The more data sources you enter, the lower the fee will be.

Please head to our Pricing Page Here to see our base fee and the prices per data source.

5. What happens if I have a duplicated data source?

If your data source shows twice in the same client, it will be counted double in your bill.

You can either replace the data source with the duplicate so all KPIs and widgets containing this source don't go empty, or you can delete the duplicate source.

6. Where can I see all the data sources connected?

Go to your “Settings” on the left menu. Under “Connections,” you will find "Data Sources.” There, you will find a complete list of all active data sources. You can sort the results by client, integration, or error. From there, you can reconnect the source if needed, rename it, and delete it.

You can also check the active and total data sources on the Billing page under View Usage Details :

Remember that even if you remove a source, it will be charged at the end of the current cycle, which is why you will see active and inactive sources.

7. Can I use the same data source for multiple clients?

You can definitely do that. You could add the same source to other clients. Just keep in mind that all data sources connected to different clients will be counted towards your bill, even if they are the same data sources.

8. How can I adjust the number of data sources I pay for?

You can control how much you pay by maintaining only the active data sources in your Swydo account. You could do this by removing the data sources directly from the client's page, as shown in Step 6 above.

You can read more about this here!

9. If I delete a data source, will I pay for it at the end of the month?

Yes, our payment system is post-payment; therefore, all data sources connected throughout the month are charged in arrears at the end of the billing cycle. If you remove data sources today, they will still be visible in your account as total data sources, and you will pay for them in the upcoming bill. If they remain inactive, they won't be counted in the next billing cycles.

10. How do I calculate the cost of my data sources?

You can use our price calculator to find out how much you will pay per data source before connecting all your data sources. You can find it here:

11. How can I prevent duplicating data sources?

  1. It could happen that you want to use the same report but for another client with different data sources. When you copy the report, make sure to disable the "include data sources" option:

2. Ensure your teammates connect all new data sources directly to the Client's page instead of adding new sources on the report level. Otherwise, you might find there are two or more data sources connected to the same client by different teammates.

12. What is Swydo's fair usage policy?

Our Fair use policy requires you to create an individual client folder in Swydo for all clients you service. This also applies to locations for Franchise companies or different brands if you are an advertiser.

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Happy reporting,
- The Swydo team

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