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LinkedIn Business Manager

How to connect LinkedIn Business Manager to Swydo.

Updated over 5 months ago

To connect your LinkedIn Business Manager, there are multiple requirements that need to be met. Below, we’re explaining all requirements and how to make sure you're ready to connect your LinkedIn Business Manager to Swydo.

Create a Business Manager account

A Business Manager account is required to fetch data for the integration. If you don't have one, you can find more information on how to create a Business Manager account in LinkedIn’s help documentation:

Make sure you are an admin

You need to be an admin of the Business Manager to retrieve data from it. If you’re not an admin, please ask the owner or an admin of the Business Manager account for admin access. Read more about available roles and permissions in LinkedIn here.

Gain access to ad accounts

Data is stored on ad accounts in LinkedIn. Because of this, you can only retrieve data from the Business Manager if you have access to ad accounts available there. Other users can give you access to ad accounts they manage, or you can create a new one yourself.

Connect a CRM to your Business Manager

The Business Manager currently only contains Revenue Attribution statistics, which operates through data from a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Because of this, it's only possible to retrieve data from the Business Manager if you have a CRM connected to it.

Note that after connecting a CRM, this will not be instantly reflected in Swydo. LinkedIn has to synchronize the CRM data with their platform, which can take up to 72 hours to complete.

Connect the Swydo Business Integration

Business Integrations are integrations that you can authorise to retrieve your Revenue Attribution statistics from the Business Manager. These are only approved integrations that have been developed in collaboration with LinkedIn directly.

In order for Swydo to be able to retrieve this data, you need to explicitly enable the integration in the Business Manager. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the LinkedIn Business Manager

  2. Click Settings in the menu on the left side of the page

  3. Click the →Arrow icon to the right of the text Business Integrations

  4. Click the Connect button for the Swydo Business Integration

  5. Click Accept and continue

Once you have a Business Manager and ensure everything above is done ’ve done all of the above, you’ll be able to connect the LinkedIn Business Manager to Swydo!

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